Banishing Misery
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Isaiah 26:9 At night my soul longs to be with you, and the spirit in me wants to be with you at the dawn of every new day. When your way of justice comes to the world, people will learn the right way of living.
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Download audio fileLet me ask you, have you ever sought after God with all your heart? Are you hungry, are you thirsty for Him? Do you want Him more than anything else on this earth?
Because it’s only that sort of desire that can give you the life that you’ve been looking for. If husband and wife don’t desire one another deeply, can there be any real, deep satisfaction in their relationship? No. A wondrous, intimate relationship is an intimate embrace. And that only happens when each desires the other.
It’s the same in our relationship with God.
Prayer isn’t some casual thing. It is not the occasional panic button that we hit when something’s going wrong. It’s not a now-and-then brush past God. It’s not a daily duty, a failure at which leaves you wracked with guilt.
No! Prayer is an ongoing, intimate embrace born out of a passionate desire for God Himself. Prayer is a choice that we make in our hearts.
At night my soul longs to be with you, and the spirit in me wants to be with you at the dawn of every new day. When your way of justice comes to the world, people will learn the right way of living. (Isaiah 26:9)
That right there is the heart of a man with a deep yearning, a deep longing after God Himself. Whether at night or in the morning – in other words, all the time – Isaiah longs to be with God.
I know people who have all the material things that they will ever need. A nice place to live. More than enough clothes to wear and food to eat. They’re lacking for nothing, and yet, they’re living miserable lives.
People often send me emails from around the world, asking me how to deal with their misery. And truly, the answer to that question is in this verse, in this Scripture.
At night my soul longs to be with you, and the spirit in me wants to be with you at the dawn of every new day.
Forget all that other stuff, it’s only ever going to make you miserable. Make God the object of your desire instead. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with a deep longing after God Himself.
And let me tell you something, that misery, will become a thing of the past.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
That’s a wonderful message, Berni. Thank you.
Loved it, Thank for the Godly sunshine in the spirit blessed sermon and the hope in your messages in Christ Jesus mighty teaching from a Incredibly indescribable powerful and loving maker and deliver from trouble.
In Christ’s Love to you Man of God
Leighton & Justine
Carol Bayley
Good, commonsense stuff, Berni.