Better than Silver or Gold
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Proverbs 3:11-15 My son, don't reject the LORD's discipline, and don't be angry when he corrects you. The LORD corrects the one he loves, just as a father corrects a child he cares about. Those who find wisdom are fortunate; they will be blessed when they gain understanding. Profit that comes from wisdom is better than silver and even the finest gold. Wisdom is worth more than fine jewels. Nothing you desire has more value.
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Download audio fileNone of us likes being criticised, let alone being disciplined. And yet the discipline of the Lord yields the most precious of all dividends. Okay, okay, maybe that doesn’t sound all that appealing. But stick with me … because actually, it is!
Wealth is something I talk a bit about because there are so many people who, frankly, are looking for wealth in all the wrong places.
Believe you me, I know. I spent the first thirty-six years of my life looking for wealth in all the wrong places. I was so convinced that earning lots of money would give me the satisfaction and the contentment that I was looking for. It didn’t! Simple as that.
King Solomon is one of the wisest and one of the richest men that has ever walked this earth. For much of his life, he had a good relationship with God. He comes to the conclusion – it’s worth listening to this – that there’s something much better than silver and gold.
Proverbs 3:11-15 My son, don’t reject the LORD’s discipline, and don’t be angry when he corrects you. The LORD corrects the one he loves, just as a father corrects a child he cares about. Those who find wisdom are fortunate; they will be blessed when they gain understanding. Profit that comes from wisdom is better than silver and even the finest gold. Wisdom is worth more than fine jewels. Nothing you desire has more value.
Wisdom often comes through God’s discipline and of course, that’s never a lot of fun. And yet, nothing worthwhile in life ever comes to us without some sacrifice.
Don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, because it results in His wisdom in your life. It yields a dividend better than silver or gold, more precious than fine jewels. Nothing you desire has more value!
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Berni Dymet
Hi Robert. Here’s a great article For you to read. And remember, the more time you spend in the Word of God, the more you’ll hear the voice of God.
Ann Duva
Today is my first day. Will comment after listening for a few days
Robert Messmer
Hey Berni how does God discipline us, could you give a few examples? As the good Lord doesn’t talk to me much.