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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Completely Out of Our League

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Isaiah 55:8,9 The Lord says, “My thoughts are not like yours. Your ways are not like mine. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.

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If only God would explain Himself. If only when things didn’t make sense, we could sit down and get Him to layout His thinking chapter and verse. That would make life so much easier, wouldn’t it?

The other morning I discovered that we had some system issues with our website, so after letting the cat in, I grabbed my laptop and logged onto the chat server provided by the company that hosts the site.

I typed in my questions, and the technical support person at the other end sorted out the problem.

Meanwhile, my cat – her name, of all things, is Doggy – hopped up on the lounge next to me, snuggled up and started purring.

And then it struck me, “There is no way that Doggy could ever comprehend what I was up to. How do you explain to a cat, that you’re chatting to someone on the other side of the world, trying to fix your web server problem?”

No way! It’s completely out of her league … and yet, how often do you and I expect God to explain Himself to us.

God what in the blazes are you up to?

Isaiah 55:8,9 The Lord says, “My thoughts are not like yours. Your ways are not like mine. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.

Let’s get this straight. As much as He loves us, His plans don’t revolve around the likes of thee and me. And whilst we may well wonder this or that about what He’s up to, we’d probably never get it, even if He did explain it to us.

Instead of asking God, “Why?” Relax. He knows what He’s doing. Just trust Him.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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