... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Deliverance from Fear

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Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. (NRSV)

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Can I ask you today, when was the last time you were afraid of something or someone or some situation that threatened to overwhelm you. Do you remember? So, how did you handle that fear? Were you able to overcome it?

We don’t like to talk about it all that much, but fear strikes us more often than we’d like it to. In fact, some people live in a constant state of fear and foreboding.

Can I ask you today: What do you do when fear strikes? You’re afraid of losing your job. You’re sitting in the doctor’s waiting room, about to go in to get those test results. You’re afraid of having to deal with a situation that frankly, you’d rather sweep under the carpet. It’s this sense of impending harm that’s going to come upon you. What do you do?

Sometimes, to put it bluntly, we do stupid things. We lash out at other people, we behave badly. Other times we withdraw completely into this whole doom-and-gloom thing. But let’s be honest, as much as they may be our natural reactions sometimes, neither of them are all that effective, are they?

King David faced more than his fair share of threats. So many people tried to kill him, from his predecessor Saul through to the enemies of Israel … hey, even his own son. But through it all, here’s what he discovered:

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. (NRSV)

Of all the things that you and I can possibly do when we’re afraid, seeking out God, turning to Him, praying, pouring out our hearts … this is the best thing that we can possibly do.

Because when you do that, the Lord our God will deliver you from all your fears.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Faith Mwaniki

Hi Zanap,

Please know that we are praying for you.

If we stay in His will, we know that He gives beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning!

In due season He makes all things beautiful!

Declare the word of God over every situation for He has not said and not done!….

This season will come to an end as there is nothing permanent except God and His promises!

It shall be well!

Faith Mwaniki

Hi Philip,

We all face these fears in life but we believe the promise….that He is with us always!

Psalm 121:7-8 New International Version (NIV)
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Philip Dunsby

Hi I seem to be really struggling with fear at the moment.. what I’ve just read has helped me.. I often think about David and all the fear he went through hiding in caves, been hunted but he never gave up on God..


Hi Bernie, it seems you read my mind. 3 years ago I was retrenched from a well paying job. Today it seems everything coming to a head and I am so overwhelmed. Bills, bills and my health suffering in the process. I hang onto every devotional that you e mail to me. Its such an inspiration. A big thank you. With your devotionals I see that I am not alone in my boat.
As promised, He will not forsake me but its hard for me to stay focussed.

Please pray for me as I battle through this period of my life.

Zanap Williams.



james lock

Ur email is the first thing I read every single day, that can b anytime between 4am and 5:30am……I don’t like getting up at that time but I have no choice. I have to get up to medicate for an incurable kidney disease amongst other things for the best part of fifty years🙄…… Your mail nearly always hits the nail right on the head, I dunno how u do it Bernie but its ALWAYS so helpful to me, I have been getting them for a few years now and they have made me feel wanted, loved, special, amongst other things. Even when I’ve been sooooo close to edge, where I’ve been sitting here in absolute agony looking at all my meds, getting fed up with having to take nearly 200 pills a day and drink 8 ltrs fluid day in day out every single day. Unable to stand, walk, etc etc
I’ve sat here wondering what on earth im here for…….
I’m beginning to realise that I’m here to show my apartment block neighbours that no matter what’s going on in your life, there’s absolutely no reason at all not to show them everything that Jesus does to/for me, love, respect, help when you can. They know that I’m a Christian as they have asked how on earth I cope with things🙂I tell them when I feel brave enough, admittedly I should always say JESUS…….but sometimes and I don’t know why, I say nothing😕😢. I KNOW it’s only thru Him that I’m here and I pray that he strengthens me to always say HIS name first so He always gets the glory He deserves…..sorry its so long but thank you thank you thank you!! I pray that you continue forever bringing His name to the world, God bless you Bernie,
James 🙏

Tania Burton

I really needed to hear that this morning it was a sign from heaven above.

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