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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

False Gods

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Jeremiah 1:16 And I will announce judgment against my people, because they are evil and have turned away from me. They offered sacrifices to other gods and worshiped idols they made with their own hands.

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The world is full of imposters. And it doesn’t matter how much you believe in Jesus, how much you want to follow hard after Him, it’s easier than you may think, to slip back into worshipping those imposters.

The Bible talks rather a lot about idolatry. Sure, in some countries, there are idols everywhere; in others, not so much. So it’s easy, when you get to one of those bits in the Bible that talks about idolatry, to skim it. “Well, that’s not for me, is it?”

Isn’t it? So, maybe you’re not into witchcraft. Maybe you don’t have an idol in your house. But just stop and think about all the other imposters vying for your attention – wealth, materialism, success. Living in the right suburb, in the right house, sending your kids to the right schools, being seen to have “made it” whatever that means.

There are plenty of people who say they believe in Jesus with all their hearts, and yet worship at the altars of different gods, whether they realise it or not. And it doesn’t matter which of these imposters you’re into, that idol (and that’s what it is, something that you put before the one true God) is going to lead you to doom and destruction.

Jeremiah 1:16 And I will announce judgment against my people, because they are evil and have turned away from me. They offered sacrifices to other gods and worshiped idols they made with their own hands.

Listen up. God wants the best for you, His very best! And you’ll never find His best, if you’re busy sacrificing your life to an idol that seems oh so seductive, yet will lead you to destruction.

When does something become an idol? That’s easy. When you know you’d struggle to give it up if God asked you to.

Don’t be an idol-worshipper.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Rafael M. Acuin

Hi Berni,

This is one that struck my heart and mind. For all the times I have grieved to you of my misfortunes, lately, I am blessed by God. Having a small sideline works that keeps coming up and having a chance to work in a company where I can be able to enhance and share my skills. I know God has seen my struggle and how much i have held on to Him despite my crying. I just know that He is always in me and I, in Him. But with all these blessings lately that has been pouring, I just wondered “How worthy am I to receive them?” It is not that I am doubting God, but I always tell myself “His blessings are also part of our test”. As to how we can value them, take care of them and how long they will last in our hands. I do not want to worship them, so when times when I am to loose some, my wife and I always say that there will be next blessing and leave the losses but learn from them. To be honest, it scares me though how long will these blessings pour. What if the next day, month or year there won’t be such blessings. At the end of the day, I just thanked God for his blessings and choose to have faith in Him so he will take control of my life. I just intend not to waste His blessings and share.

I jut thought of sharing the above. Have a blessed day.


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