Filling an Empty Life
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Titus 3:14 Our people must learn to use their lives for doing good and helping anyone who has a need. Then they will not have empty lives.
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Download audio fileThe sense of emptiness that we sometimes feel – that sense that “I’m not fulfilled, I’m not content, there must be something more,” – let me tell you … it’s not just you if you’re going through that. That emptiness is a global pandemic.
I lived the first half of my life with that emptiness gnawing away at me, so I know it rather well. Now for me, everything changed when I encountered Jesus, but for many it doesn’t.
The truth is that many a Christian lives constantly with that empty feeling, that sense of a lack of fulfilment. They know it shouldn’t be that way, but it is, and they don’t know why or what to do about it.
And yet, there’s a very simple, straightforward answer to the “why” and solution to the “what”. Here it is:
Titus 3:14 Our people must learn to use their lives for doing good and helping anyone who has a need. Then they will not have empty lives.
Now in the original Greek, this is a very a strong statement. It talks about devoting ourselves to meeting the needs of others. If we don’t do that – if we’re not completely, one hundred percent devoted to living out our faith – our lives will end up being like a fruit tree that never ever bears fruit. Talk about unfulfilled!
Friend, listen to me. God has given you gifts and abilities that I don’t have. You can do things that I can’t do. God has set opportunities to use those gifts before you in one way – and for me, in another way.
The key to fulfilment, the key to a fruitful life, is living out your faith in a way that’s … listen to it, here it is, it’s a strong word … devoted to helping other people.
Anything less is an empty life.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Great words of wisdom for us all. Thanks Berni!