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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Forgive and Forget

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Matthew 5:43-45 You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies. Pray for those who treat you badly. If you do this, you will be children who are truly like your Father in heaven. He lets the sun rise for all people, whether they are good or bad. He sends rain to those who do right and to those who do wrong.

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They say that revenge is sweet; and perhaps in that moment when you exact revenge it is, but pretty soon it’ll turn into a bitterness that’ll rot your soul. Surely, there’s a better way.

Forgiving someone who’s hurt you is one of the hardest things to do. And yet, it’s so important, because without forgiveness it’s impossible to be free. But still, it’s so difficult … unless, that is, you do it Jesus’ way.

So what is Jesus’ way of finally forgiving people in your heart?

Matthew 5:43-45 You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies. Pray for those who treat you badly. If you do this, you will be children who are truly like your Father in heaven. He lets the sun rise for all people, whether they are good or bad. He sends rain to those who do right and to those who do wrong.

Yep, we want to love the people who’re nice to us and hate the people who aren’t. But frankly, that doesn’t work.

But doing it Jesus’ way, the more you pray for the people who treated you badly, the more God sets you free from unforgiveness, the more the pain goes away, the more your life comes back and the more you’re able to forgive them. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen.

Almost a quarter of a century ago, some people betrayed me and hurt me deeply. I struggled with that for a long time until I did what Jesus told me to do. I prayed for them. These days I’m free from the hurt but I still pray for them.

Love your enemies and pray for those who treat you badly.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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