The Gift that Lies Within
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2 Timothy 1:6 For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you through the laying on of my hands.
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Download audio fileYou know what I’ve noticed? The things that we’re really good at doing are the things that we really enjoy.
It’s true isn’t it. The problem is that a lot of people on this planet are miserable, not so much because there’s anything particularly wrong with their circumstances, but because they’re doing stuff that they were never made to do; because they’re living a life that they’re not meant to be living.
I am convinced that that’s the reason why so many people hate their jobs.
I mean, ask around … your friends, your family, people you know really well. Ask them, on a scale of one to ten, how much are you enjoying your job today? And what you’ll get, no doubt, is the standard statistical bell curve. A few who really, really hate their jobs. A few who really, really love their jobs and then the majority somewhere in the middle; somewhere between, say, a four and six out of ten.
Let me ask you – given the amount of time we spend working, is it right that by far, the majority of people, seventy, eighty percent, should give their job satisfaction rating less than a seven out of ten? Really!?
So, back to you. Where are you at? What job satisfaction rating do you give to the activity, paid or unpaid, that you’re doing for most of your waking hours?
Jesus said that He came so that we could have life in all it’s abundance. The original Greek word used there in John 10:10, literally means “super-abundance”.
Are you living that super-abundant life? Or are your days and weeks slipping by, living out somewhere between a four and six out of ten, like most of the other people around you?
I know, we might be tugging away here at your comfort zone.
Being in a comfort zone is one of the great inhibitors to following the call of God on our lives, because the call of God almost never lies within your comfort zone.
No, my hunch is that for at least some, it’s time to get a grip and have a look at what they’re doing with their lives. Ask yourself:
Am I having an impact? Am I making a different? Am I experiencing the intense satisfaction of using my God-given gifts for His glory?
And if the answer isn’t what you want it to be, what you know it could be or should be, then:
For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you through the laying on of my hands. (2 Timothy 1:6)
Somewhere deep down, there is a gift, an ability, a talent – something that you so enjoy doing, something that God has put inside you … and maybe, just maybe, it’s time for you to rekindle that gift.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.