Give Him Your Life
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Romans 6:23 When people sin, they earn what sin pays—death. But God gives his people a free gift—eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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Download audio fileOkay, so we’re hurtling towards another Easter; a bit of a long weekend for some; some chocolate for others. But Easter … well, Easter is about so much more than a break and some chocolate. Maybe you’ve heard about Jesus and you want to accept Him into your life, but how?
Well, there’s no formula, no ritual – just a simple prayer from you to Him. If that’s something that you want to do, then I’m going to give you the opportunity in just a moment.
But first, what’s the outcome of believing in Jesus?
Romans 6:23 When people sin, they earn what sin pays—death. But God gives his people a free gift—eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
And that’s what Easter is all about. So if you want to accept Jesus and receive the gift of eternal life, let’s pray this prayer together:
Father, thank you for sending your Son Jesus to die – to pay the price for all my failures. Today I accept Jesus as my Saviour and put my trust in Him. Forgive me for all the things that I’ve done wrong. I turn away from them today. I give you everything I am and everything I have – all my hopes and dreams.
From this day on, I want to live my life for you. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit and change my life forever with your love, your forgiveness and your grace. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
If you just prayed that prayer, then you are completely forgiven. Jesus took your punishment on that cross on your behalf. You have received the free gift of eternal life.
But if you haven’t yet accepted Jesus, don’t leave it because one day it’ll be too late.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Jessica munnik
Amen. Thank you for the reminder. We forget the real meaning behind Easter. This year will be a different one because of the virus, we are not allowed to go to church. It’s so sad not to be able to go church and worship together with other believers in Christ but we can take heart because we will overcome this. Appreciating the coming together of believers so much. Thank you for the great work you guys are doing.