Glory, Glory, Glory
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Mark 9:28,29 About eight days after Jesus said these things, he took Peter, John, and James and went up on a mountain to pray. While Jesus was praying, his face began to change. His clothes became shining white. Then two men were there, talking with him. They were Moses and Elijah. They also looked bright and glorious. They were talking with Jesus about his death that would happen in Jerusalem. Peter and the others were asleep. But they woke up and saw the glory of Jesus. They also saw the two men who were standing with him.
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Download audio fileDo you ever get this feeling that … well, there must be something more to being a Christian? Your walk with Jesus is fine as things go, but surely there’s something more waiting for you out there, but it just seems to elude you.
When I say the word “glory” what picture does that bring to mind? An athlete winning gold at the Olympics? A soldier who’s won the day by risking his life? What image does the word “glory” conjure up in your mind?
Luke 9:28-32 About eight days after Jesus said these things, he took Peter, John, and James and went up on a mountain to pray. While Jesus was praying, his face began to change. His clothes became shining white. Then two men were there, talking with him. They were Moses and Elijah. They also looked bright and glorious. They were talking with Jesus about his death that would happen in Jerusalem. Peter and the others were asleep. But they woke up and saw the glory of Jesus. They also saw the two men who were standing with him.
Yep, that’s a pretty decent picture of “glory” right there. Jesus’ clothes become dazzling white, His face shines, He’s surrounded by this cloud of glory. If you or I had been there, it would have blown us away. Certainly Peter, James and John were in shock.
We can listen to nice little Jesus stories, pray nice little God prayers, sing nice little worship songs, but how different would our lives be if we were completely blown away by God’s glory? If our hearts were overwhelmed in wonder and awe by the glory of God? Isn’t that what it means to worship Jesus?
Our narrowness, our self-centredness, our pettiness … those things would be swept away in an instant, replaced by the life that God made us to live. Glory!
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.