God’s Business Card
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Matthew 20:27,28 Whoever wants to be first must serve the rest of you like a slave. Do as I did: The Son of Man did not come for people to serve him. He came to serve others and to give his life to save many people.
Listen to the radio broadcast of God’s Business Card
Download audio fileOne of the hardest things to do in life is to look at things from a different perspective. All our lives we’ve been trained to see things the way we see them. And that frame of reference often becomes like a prison from which there’s no escape. Take, for instance, our self-centredness.
Over the years I’ve been handed a lot of business cards. I mean, an awful lot, thousands of them in fact. Everybody, it seems, has a business card.
Some are simple and plain while others are colourful and elaborate. But however we have them designed, we give them all the same purpose; to tell the rest of the world – This is who I am. And in a busy, cluttered world I guess that’s necessary.
Now call me crazy, but I wonder if this whole business card thing isn’t a symptom of one of the great illnesses of our time; this idea that it’s all about me. It’s about me telling other people who I am, what I have to offer, what my position, my title is; who I am in the scheme of things.
I’ve never – not once I tell you! – received a business card from anyone that says, Hi, what’s your name? Who are you? How can I help? Have you?
So if God had a business card, what would it say? What would it look like? How would we recognise it?
Matthew 20:27,28 Whoever wants to be first must serve the rest of you like a slave. Do as I did: The Son of Man did not come for people to serve him. He came to serve others and to give his life to save many people.
Jesus – God’s business card. And yes, in Christ, God tells us, shows us, who He is. But in Christ, HE also says,
I came to serve you. I came to save you. How can I help?
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Barbara Rolfe
Thank you so much for this information every morning. I so look forward to hearing about God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and how His word applies to me.
I also share what I learn with my husband who is very receptive of God’s word. He and I try our very best to live as our Heavenly Father would have us to live. Ofcourse, we fail quite often but we don’t quit.
Thank you again,
Barb Rolfe