Handling Rejection
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Psalm 118:22,23 The stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone. The Lord made this happen, and we think it is wonderful!
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Download audio fileMost of us don’t handle rejection all that well. Whether it’s being left of the invite list to a social function or having your soulmate trade you in for a newer model, rejection hurts.
Rejection is, I think, one of the most painful things that we can ever go through in life. I’ve had one or two big rejections in my life, and let me tell you, the scars are still there.
When was the last time that you suffered at the hands of rejection? Cast your mind back, I’m sure you remember it well. No doubt it still hurts to think about it. And it’s especially difficult when all that’s in your heart is to do good and yet, people just trample on those good intentions.
But of course, there’s nothing new in any of that. The biggest rejection in all of human history was when God’s chosen people rejected His Son. When they mocked Him, beat Him and nailed Him to a cross.
Psalm 118:22,23 The stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone. The Lord made this happen, and we think it is wonderful!
Imagine the pain that Jesus suffered when He was rejected by most; when He was betrayed by a friend; when He was deserted by all. God is a God who understands the pain of rejection firsthand.
And yet out of that, Jesus’ name was lifted above every name. God made His enemies His footstool. The same Jesus that suffered will reign over all, forever and ever amen!
Sometimes people will reject you and when they do, it will hurt. But in the middle of it all, God will never reject you. And when all is said and done, your reward will be great.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Berni Dymet
Thank you so much for sharing that Robyn. May the Lord give you a speedy recovery, even as you witness His love to others. It is such a privilege to be able to play a small part in encouraging and supporting you on your journey. Berni@CW
Robyn Barrow
Dear Berni,
We [my husband & I] just love the way your words are so ‘down to earth’ about how life is for us, & how Jesus comes into every facet of it, as He has experienced all that we go through too. What a wonderful Lord we have! Always there for us. And you remind us of this every day – through your emails, radio broadcast, & books. At present I am going through cancer treatment & you have helped me through that too. I take your little booklet with me. I meet people who are going through different journeys & some much tougher than mine & realise how blessed I am to have been given a good prognosis. But more than that is to know God & His eternal plan for us, however this works out. Sometimes I can mention that when it is appropriate, & God just leads a conversation there. Thank you so much Berni. God bless, Robyn