Help Others
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Proverbs 11:24-26 Some people give freely and gain more; others refuse to give and end up with less. Give freely, and you will profit. Help others, and you will gain more for yourself. People curse a greedy man who refuses to sell his grain, but they bless a man who sells his grain to feed others.
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Download audio fileI wonder, as you look back on your life, who it is that stands out most in your heart for having helped you through some difficult times; for having stepped in when no one else did? Who is that in your life?
I have a handful of people like that in my life; people who gave of themselves and of what they had when I was in need. And it won’t surprise you when I tell you that I will never forget what they did for me.
But this true help – be it from friends or from strangers – is becoming less and less common as we become more and more absorbed in ourselves.
When was the last time you stepped into someone’s life and gave sacrificially, in a way that really cost you something in their hour of need?
Proverbs 11:24-26 Some people give freely and gain more; others refuse to give and end up with less. Give freely, and you will profit. Help others, and you will gain more for yourself. People curse a greedy man who refuses to sell his grain, but they bless a man who sells his grain to feed others.
The opposite of generosity is greed. And right there in those few verses, Solomon (who wrote them) captures it all in a nutshell. The world hates a greedy person. So does God. The world loves a generous person. So does God.
If I were to ask someone close to you, would they describe you as greedy or generous? Who is it in your life right now, where you have the opportunity to step in, to give, to help, to save?
Give freely, and you will profit. Help others, and you will gain more for yourself.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.