... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

His Best was yet to Come

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Exodus 8:1 Then the Lord told Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and tell him that the Lord says, ‘Let my people go to worship me!

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Wilderness experiences in life come and go. That’s as it should be … with hopefully more going than coming. But today, I want to share something startling, something perhaps surprising with you, about your time out there in that wilderness.

A few years back I worked with an American woman from IBM, who was visiting Australia. She decided to see something our land and chartered a small plane to fly around the outback for a few days.

When she came back and said to me “Berni – you know what’s out there? Nothin’!” And that’s pretty much true because around 80% of Australia’s three million square miles is, after all, desert.

And sometimes it feels a bit like that in our lives too. You know, 80% desert. A wilderness experience with nobody around us for miles of us.

Moses went through that. From the privilege of Pharaoh’s palace to a to tending a motley flock of sheep not just out in the wilderness, but the Bible tells us “beyond the wilderness”. He was a murderer, a failure, a burnt-out old wreck.

But then, you see, funny thing because God was way out beyond the wilderness too. He always is. And He had a plan.

Exodus 8:1 Then the Lord told Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and tell him that the Lord says, ‘Let my people go to worship me!

‘What, who, me?!’ Not quite the response you’d expect from a great leader like Moses, but there you have it.

You see, I think that God took Moses a bit by surprise when He appeared to him out there beyond the wilderness. Moses was just set for another dull day at the office.

What he didn’t realise was that God was out there, beyond the wilderness too. He always is. God had a plan. He always does.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Stewart Speed

Thank you LORD,Amen.

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