Hopes and Dreams
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Proverbs 16:9 People can plan what they want to do, but it is the LORD who guides their steps.
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Download audio fileI have no doubt that right now, you have some plans, hopes and dreams for your life. And in your estimation, they’re good. Very good. Problem is, not all of them are going to turn out the way you’d hoped.
We all have plans and hopes and dreams reaching into the future, imagining how we want things to be, especially at this time of year, right?
In fact, that hoping and dreaming, having things to look forward to, is incredibly important to our wellbeing.
But things don’t always turn out the way we’d hoped. Dreams don’t always come to fruition, the way we’d imagined. I remember a time in my life when all my hopes and dreams lay shattered on the floor. It was a quarter of a century ago, but to this day it remains singularly the most devastating thing that’s ever happened to me.
When our hopes and dreams don’t come to fruition, it’s not easy. During that difficult time for me, I stumbled across this powerful passage that really helps to put all that into perspective:
Proverbs 16:9 People can plan what they want to do, but it is the LORD who guides their steps.
We can only see the past and what’s happening to us right now. But God, this God who loves us enough to send Jesus to die so that we could have a new life, He is the Lord of the past, the present and the future.
I had a long journey of suffering to travel through all those years ago, but I wouldn’t be here with you today, if I hadn’t been on that journey. When your plans go awry, when your plans go off the rails, when your hopes and dreams are shattered, remember this – it is the Lord who is guiding your steps. And He knows what He’s doing.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Warrick Dyer
Hey mate. This is probably the only motivation I get to continue reading biblical stuff. Almost every morning I get your email and read it on my phone. Always makes me think of God and what he has done for me, and how lucky we are. Thanks BD and keep it going. It’s blokes like me that need to continue hearing the message so we don’t forget. Thanks matey.