... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

How Long Oh God?

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Psalm 35:17 My Lord, how long will you watch this happen? Save my life from these people who are attacking me like lions and trying to destroy me.

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Adversity is a fact of life. That’s not in dispute. But when adversity comes our way, all of a sudden we treat it as though it’s the most abnormal thing that can ever happen to us. Why is that, exactly?

Have you ever noticed that when it’s cold and wet outside and you’re nice and warm inside watching a good movie on television, three hours goes like that? The time just flies by.

But when you’re in pain, or cold and wet, or under pressure, or lonely, or hurting, three hours seems like an absolute eternity. A day can seem like forever.

And so when you’re going through one of those wilderness experiences that we all end up travelling through at some stage, one of the biggest things is simply this, “How long is this going to go on for God? How long?”

King David was in precisely that place and he had precisely that question:

Psalm 35:17 My Lord, how long will you watch this happen? Save my life from these people who are attacking me like lions and trying to destroy me.

The more you read about David’s story (often on the run in fear for his life, both before he became king of Israel and indeed afterward as well) the more you come to see how God used those difficult and dangerous times to develop his faith and his character.

How long? Generally, not for a moment longer than God needs to do what He’s planning to do. The timing is entirely up to Him. But in the meantime, know this … He is in that place with you. And right in the middle of it all, if you’ll just get close to Him, He will give you a peace and a joy that simply don’t make sense.

Don’t despair. Don’t give up.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Teressa Roux

Thank you Berni for always being so positive. You have really helped me in so many ways with the messages that you have to share with us every day.
God Bless.


Adversity always, always sharpens the saw oh and fine tunes our gifts, it’s a bit of an insult to the adversaries, I suppose when an individuals gift shines through their crazy and insane undertones, and turns them on their heads.. Ten thousand can surround us on every side but nothing will stop God and what he has called our name to do for him. Our human will is strong and we can choose to let God have his way in us and on earth as it is in heaven , Gods will be done.
We have to be strong and courageous and even God himself tells us that!

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