If I Could Turn Back Time
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Ecclesiastes 7:10 Don’t say, “Life was better in the ‘good old days.’ What happened?” Wisdom does not lead us to ask that question.
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Download audio fileWow, can you believe it. It’s New Year’s Eve … again. Those years, man, they are slipping by so incredibly quickly. And tomorrow, it’ll be a whole new year. The problem is, you can’t take a hold of that, unless you let go of the past.
I don’t know what sort of a year you’ve had – good, bad or ugly. I’m guessing though, for most of us it was probably a bit of a mixed bag.
But as we look at the year that lies ahead, as we tend to do right about now, it’s easy to slip into this kind of attitude of remembering the “good ole’ days”. Things were better back then. Do you remember back when … ? But now … I mean, look around … if only we could go back to the “good ole days”. Have you ever found yourself with that sort of a mindset?
It’s like that song by singer Cher that you may know, “If I Could Turn Back Time”. Well, sorry to prick your bubble but you can’t turn back time. And in any case, we always seem to look at the “good ole’ days” through a set of rose-coloured glasses.
Living in the past is just not a smart thing to do. And that’s not just me saying it:
Ecclesiastes 7:10 Don’t say, “Life was better in the ‘good old days.’ What happened?” Wisdom does not lead us to ask that question.
The past is the past. It’s time to get on with the future. Who knows what God has in store for you in this coming year?
But whatever it may be, it’ll be a whole lot more fun if you approach it with a sense of anticipation, a sense of expectation, of the good things that God is going to do in you and through you.
Stop living in the past.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.