I’m No Superstar
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Genesis 1:27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Listen to the radio broadcast of I’m No Superstar
Download audio fileHave you ever compared yourself with other people and come up wanting? You feel as though you come up short.
It starts from a very young age.
Perhaps you were never the greatest sports person at school. They could all run faster than you, throw and catch the ball better than you. And so many others seemed to be that much smarter than you. And then, as though to rub salt in the wound, when you all grew up, they became more successful than you.
We don’t like to think about those feelings too much. We don’t even like to admit them to ourselves, let alone talk about them. But for many people, that deep sense of inadequacy lies at the very core of who they are.
And if that sounds at all familiar, I believe, in fact I know that today, on this very day, God wants to set you free. Because He didn’t create you to live like that.
Okay, perhaps other people have more than you have. Perhaps they’re known, they’re recognised for their achievements, where as you don’t feel that you are. And so you come to a conclusion that goes something like this:
Let’s face it … I’m no superstar. I … I’m not really that talented. I’m not really that good at anything much.
And then there’s the next step in that chain, a step that we don’t like to think about. It’s just a conclusion we’ve drawn that’s too painful to give voice to, so we’ve buried it deep. It goes something like this: And so, I’m not really worth much.
Hmm. Anyone who’s ever had a child will know that it’s not the kid’s talent or ability that makes you love them. It’s that … little bit of yourself that you see in them. It’s the potential, as you see that little bit of yourself, in a whole new human being that you were part of creating, that you were part of bringing into this world, that you were part of guiding through towards adulthood; that’s what moves your heart so deeply toward your child.
So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)
Look, sure, God has gifted you in a very special way. He’s given you some amazing talents and abilities. But that’s not what makes Him love you. It’s that little bit of Himself that He sees in you, that spark of life that He breathed into you, the potential He gave you, to go and be you – that’s what makes Him love you.
Because you have been created in His image, and He loved you so much that He sent His Son Jesus, to suffer and to die, to save you.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.