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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Impacted by Negativity

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Titus 3:10 Give a warning to all those who cause arguments. If they continue to cause trouble after a second warning, then don’t associate with them.

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The negativity of other people has a habit of dragging us down with it. I mean, you started your day with the best of intentions, happy and content – but then that one person comes along whose negativity bursts your bubble.

Negativity is contagious. It spreads so quickly, and it infects our thoughts and tears away at our hearts. You can catch it in an instant, and the thing with negativity is that, as it bubbles away inside, it leads to arguments which just make things worse.

There comes a point when we need to put a stop to that in our lives. There comes a point when we need to identify the spreaders of this terrible disease. There comes a point when we need to take a huge step back from them.

Titus 3:10 Give a warning to all those who cause arguments. If they continue to cause trouble after a second warning, then don’t associate with them.

Now fair enough, give a warning to those negative people who cause arguments. That’s good advice. But the second bit doesn’t seem to be all that “Christian” if I can put it that way, or all that practical.

But let me tell you … sometimes it’s the best medicine. Are you going to keep letting negative, argumentative people influence you, and ruin your day, and keep dragging you down?

Perhaps you can’t avoid a negative work colleague or family member completely, but you can refuse delivery of their negativity. You can draw back and reject their poisonous attitudes.

Absolutely, warn people with gentleness and in love. But if they don’t listen, if they continue to cause trouble after a few warnings, don’t allow them to influence you anymore.

Because if you do, eventually, they’ll drag you down to their level and you’ll become just as negative, just as argumentative, as them.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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