In the Hands of an Angry God
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Hebrews 10:26-27,31 If we decide to continue sinning after we have learned the truth, then there is no other sacrifice that will take away sins. If we continue sinning, all that is left for us is a fearful time of waiting for the judgment and the angry fire that will destroy those who live against God … It is a terrible thing to face punishment from the living God.
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Download audio fileI’m afraid. I’m afraid that so many people don’t know the God revealed in the Bible. And in their ignorance, they’ve remade Him into their own image. That scares me. A lot.
Here’s a rather blunt question: what do you think is God’s attitude towards the sin in your life? When you stand before Him on that day of judgement that is surely coming, on that day when you have to render an account to Him of all the things that you’ve said and done, how will He respond?
So many people who believe in Jesus, simply don’t know what the Bible says about the ongoing sin in their lives. And that’s a frightening thing. So, here it is. Here is what God’s Word says about that sin.
Hebrews 10:26-27,31 If we decide to continue sinning after we have learned the truth, then there is no other sacrifice that will take away sins. If we continue sinning, all that is left for us is a fearful time of waiting for the judgment and the angry fire that will destroy those who live against God … It is a terrible thing to face punishment from the living God.
That’s pretty clear, isn’t it? If we wilfully persist in sin even though we know the truth, the sacrifice of Jesus isn’t going to save us. Instead, there’s a fearful prospect of judgement, and a fury of fire that will consume us.
Of course, God is a God of love. Of course, He wants us to spend all eternity with Him. But if we just continue in rebellion against Him … it’s not going to turn out the way we’d hoped. It just isn’t!
Elsewhere in the Bible (Romans 2:4) it says this: Don’t you realise that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Robert Messmer
Hi Berni.
What you said is so real and sadly so true amongst many too many a christian, it would only be fair that you expand on this teaching in a more in depth way. You have certainly helped open my eyes to have a much closer look at myself and i know in my heart that i will be greatly humbled for it. Thank you for your blatant honesty.
Keep up the great work that God is doing through you.