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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Investing in People

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Romans 14:19 Let us therefore pursue what makes for peace and for mutual building up.

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Sometimes the things that we do – albeit that they’re innocent, albeit that they’re not wrong, per se, bring conflict and strife to a situation. Have you been there? And when the other person gets upset with you, you’re left wondering: “Hang on, what did I do wrong?”

Yah! We’ve all had that experience. And believe it or not that very situation is something that God’s Word has some wisdom on. I love this. I love it how God has thought all these things through and poured out His wisdom through His Word.

Back when Christianity was being birthed out of Judaism in the first century, there was some conjecture and dispute over what people could eat and not eat. Was pork in or out. Were shellfish in our out. We take that for granted today, but back then, it was a big deal.

Those who understood the grace and freedom they now had in Christ, understood that they were free to eat anything, but were prone to criticise those who still thought the old way. But the Apostle Paul turns around and says to them:

Let us therefore no longer pass judgment on one another, but resolve instead never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of another. (Romans 14:13)

So, don’t use your freedom, to be a stumbling block to others. He goes on to say that if what we do is going to be a stumbling block to others in their faith, we should curb our freedoms for their sake.

In a world that’s so focussed these days on individual freedoms, what a powerful message that is! When you think of it, much of the conflict in our lives arises out of our assertion of our individual rights. But I’m entitled … is what we so often think.

And yet, according to God’s wisdom, there is something more important than the things that we think that we’re entitled to. And that thing, is preserving peace in our relationships. Because, after all, when you boil it all down:

… the kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17)

How many times have you and I disrupted the peace, when, all along, we could not only have kept the peace, but built up and encouraged those around us?

Let us therefore pursue what makes for peace and for mutual building up.

So beyond just peace, you and I have the opportunity, through the things we choose to say and do, and, importantly through the things we choose not to say and do, to build others up.

To encourage them. To strengthen them. To serve them by helping them to grow. What a privilege to be put in a position where we can sacrifice our entitlements, to serve others like that.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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