It’s Time to Have a Plan
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Proverbs 21:5 Careful planning leads to profit. Acting too quickly leads to poverty.
Listen to the radio broadcast of It’s Time to Have a Plan
Download audio fileWell, here we are! A happy new year to you. Of course, to a great degree, your happiness this year is out of your control. But then again, sometimes, our unhappiness is our own fault.
Whilst you’ll often hear me say that God has a plan for your life – because of course, He does! – my question for you on the very threshold of the year that lies ahead, is whether you have a plan for your life?
When it comes to planning, there are two equal and opposite mistakes that we can make – overplanning and under-planning. Overplanning is when we imagine that it’s all up to us. That, I’m going to do this and achieve that, without (a) leaving room for God to work and (b) realising that so much – so very much – lies outside our control. We’ll perhaps chat more about that tomorrow.
But there are a whole bunch of well-meaning, Bible-believing Christ followers who are in the business of under-planning. In fact, many don’t have a plan at all. So let me ask you again, what’s your plan for your life for this year that lies ahead? Because …
Proverbs 21:5 Careful planning leads to profit. Acting too quickly leads to poverty.
God expects us to have a plan, not to rush forward without one. Our lives are meant to be lived as a partnership with Him – with Christ on the throne and us as His disciples learning from Him, following Him and serving Him.
And that involves taking responsibility and planning the year ahead. What has God called you? What does He want you to achieve for His glory? How are you going to go about that?
Take responsibility for your end of this partnership and have a plan, because acting to quickly leads to poverty.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.