When It’s Just One of Those Days
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Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ to do the good works that he prepared beforehand for us to walk into.
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Download audio fileI don’t know about you, but when I look in the mirror each morning, the first thing I see doesn’t always look like a masterpiece. You know what I mean. And sometimes, the day is all-downhill from there.
Even if I start out with great intentions, if I start out spending time alone with God, praying, reading the Bible … it’s amazing how quickly the peace and joy of that time with God can be attacked.
People turn against you and so, you, without even thinking too much about it, react badly, and you turn on them. You let their behaviour rob you of that peace and that joy – you lash out, and you realise that it’s just going to be … one of those days!
A day when everyone wants to tell you how you’ve failed; how you’ve fallen short of their expectations; how you’ve managed to miss the point completely?
And then when it’s over, you come to the conclusion that you’ve failed God. You’re anything but the masterpiece the Bible tells you that you’re supposed to be! That’s how you start to see yourself, and that’s certainly how those other people will be seeing you. As something less than who you should be.
But God … well, He sees us just a bit differently.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ to do the good works that he prepared beforehand for us to walk into. (Ephesians 2:10)
Did you notice that bit about being His workmanship, His masterpiece? He thought a lot about who He would make you and how He would make you. And He made you with a specific purpose in mind: to do the good works that he prepared beforehand for you to walk into.
Do you and I fall short some days? Absolutely! But that doesn’t change the fact that you are His workmanship – every piece of information encoded on each strand of your DNA, put there by His hand. And nothing that happens to you is a surprise to Him.
He made you to walk into each day that has been set aside for you, knowing what you would confront. I know that you have flaws. So do I. But a funny thing happens when we turn those flaws, those gaping wounds in our makeup, over to Him.
He heals them. And those scars become part of who we are. You are a beautiful thing in God’s eyes. He cherishes you as a Master who cherishes his masterpiece.
When you fail, as you will, brush yourself off, go to Him, ask for His forgiveness and ask for His strength to be humble, and kind, and loving, and generous … when you have one of those days.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.