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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Leaning on God

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Isaiah 26:3,4 God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust in you. So trust the LORD always, because in the LORD you have a place of safety forever.

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As we’re growing from childhood through those awkward teenage years into adulthood we’re taught to rely less and less on others. And, up to a point, that independence is a good thing.

But you know what they say … no man is an island. In other words, none of us can live as hermits. We have needs that can only be met by others. And sometimes we need to lean on those others for good reasons, for right reasons.

Some years ago, I bent over to pick up something heavy and my lower back spasmed to the point where I couldn’t get up. It was absolute agony for weeks. In fact, it was so bad that my wife borrowed a walking cane so that I could slowly leverage my way out of bed. It was the only way I could get up and it was the only way I could walk. It was all a bit embarrassing for a young fit fella like me, but that stuff happens in life.

Isaiah 26:3,4 God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust in you. So trust the LORD always, because in the LORD you have a place of safety forever.

The original meaning of that word ‘depend’ in Hebrew is to lean on, to be supported and upheld – a lot like that walking cane when I was in agony. Now, with all that we’ve been taught about being independent and self-reliant, it’s easy to feel a bit embarrassed by the fact that we need to lean on anyone, let alone God, right?

But God gives true peace those who lean on Him, to those who trust in Him. So always trust the LORD, because in Him you have a place of safety forever.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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