Leaving a Lasting Impression
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Psalms 37:37,38 Be pure and honest. Peace loving people will have many descendants. But those who break the law will be destroyed completely. And their descendants will be forced to leave the land.
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Download audio fileI’ve been in the workforce for close on half a century – forty-six years to be exact. And in all that time, there’s just a small number of people who stand out in my mind for their profound decency as human beings.
And that tends to be the way, doesn’t it? You meet a lot of people along the way, but every now and then there’s someone who just has a lasting impact on you. In my life, one of those is a Major-General in the army, another a pastor, another a mentor, another a hotel manager, another a … you get the drift. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you’re in, there’s something that each one of us can do, something that each one of us can be, that causes us to stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression.
Psalms 37:37,38 Be pure and honest. Peace loving people will have many descendants. But those who break the law will be destroyed completely. And their descendants will be forced to leave the land.
Be pure and honest. What springs to mind for you from that command? And let’s be clear … it is a command from God. For me it’s profound decency, transparency, accountability, always genuinely having other people’s interest at heart. It’s someone who pursues peace with great wisdom, who wins battles without ever fighting a war, because the rest of us see his or her goodness and just want to follow them.
And the people who live like that, love like that, will have many descendants – not just of their own, but amongst the people whose lives they’ve impacted for good. Those who don’t, won’t.
Be pure and honest. Be that person. Leave lasting impressions.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.