Lord, I Believe
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1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 Now, brothers and sisters, we don’t need to write to you about times and dates. You know very well that the day when the Lord comes again will be a surprise, like a thief who comes at night. People will say, “We have peace and we are safe.” At that time destruction will come to them quickly, like the pains of a woman giving birth. And those people will not escape.
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Download audio fileI don’t know about you, but personally I’m pretty glad that I don’t know the time of my impending death on this earth. I just don’t want to know … but as much as we don’t like to think of it, at the end of the day that’s precisely what’s going to happen.
I don’t know how much you think about death but the statistics are pretty clear. Out of every hundred people on planet Earth, exactly one hundred of them will die. Some … well, they’ll experience eternal life because they believed in Jesus. That’s the one ticket to eternal life; a genuine relationship with Jesus. But many others will live in eternal separation from God – that condition, that place that we call hell, because they didn’t believe in Him … or maybe, they just never got around to it.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 Now, brothers and sisters, we don’t need to write to you about times and dates. You know very well that the day when the Lord comes again will be a surprise, like a thief who comes at night. People will say, “We have peace and we are safe.” At that time destruction will come to them quickly, like the pains of a woman giving birth. And those people will not escape.
Have you accepted Jesus into your life yet? Have you put your trust in what He did for you on that Cross, dying there to pay the price of your rebellion so that you can get off scott-free? Or have you just never quite got around to it?
Today is a good day to say – “Lord, I believe. Lord, I put my trust in Christ and what He did for me on that Cross. I accept your gift of eternal life”. Today is a perfect day for the beginning of your eternity with Him, because tomorrow … well, tomorrow might be too late.
Lord, I believe.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Berni Dymet
Teri, do yourself a favour and set aside 20 minutes a day. read a small passage from the Word, spend some time in prayer. Every … day. I wonder whether in a week’s time you won’t feel a whole bunch closer to Jesus than you did before you began. 🙂 Berni@Christianityworks
Cathy Collins
I truly believe in the Lord and that Jesus died on the cross to save a sinner like me I am truly thankful I trust him with all my heart and soul I believe in faith and trust and love of fellow man the only way to Heaven is through Jesus I have been saved by Gods grace and mercy and baptism in the blood of Jesus I try each day I talk to him and ask for guidance all my trust is in the lord
Catherine Knowles
I pray that everyone will have the peace that I have. My faith continues to grow. During this pandemic I’ve felt no fear. I work in a grocery store and I give it all to the Lord. My gracious loving Father is the answer for everything. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
Wish my faith was deeper . The last year I’ve been oh I don’t know wondering if Jesus was real . I hate that I feel this way . Never did before .
Berni Dymet
Henry, I hear ya. I totally agree. Sometimes though, know that the stations edit interviews and will almost always cut out any mention of Jesus. He is, after all, a stumbling block for many. I get particularly distressed by leaders and Easter and Christmas when they produce their short one or two minute messages that get aired … and talk about world peace, tolerance, anything but Jesus. Let’s pray for them. Berni@Christianityworks
Dr. Solomon Ole' Logilunore
I believe that Jesus died for me and not scared of death if this is God’s desire. God bless you with this wonderful encouraging words. AMEN!
Henry Davies
Dear Berni,
Why is it when religious leaders speak on television they never mention Jesus Christ! . It’s as if they are like the religious leaders when Jesus Christ was alive , who had him crucified, they can’t accept He is the Son of God .
I pray for those who keep the faith and believing in Jesus Christ and stay on the narrow pathway . Amen.
Thanks Henry.