Meet the Geek
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Psalm 135:15-17 The gods of other nations are only gold and silver idols that people have made. They have mouths, but cannot speak. They have eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear. They have mouths, but no breath.
Listen to the radio broadcast of Meet the Geek
Download audio fileHave you noticed these days how many great things there are on offer to spend your money on? Most of them aren’t bad in and of themselves, until we elevate them to a status in our lives, a level where they don’t belong.
I have to be honest with you, I’ve always loved technology. From back in my high school days when the first micro-computers appeared (they weren’t called PCs back then but “micro-computers”) I was hooked. My first degree at university was in information technology (although back then we called it Electronic Data Processing) paper tapes, punch cards. Ah, they were the good old days!
And look at how, just in the last few years, smartphones have revolutionised the way we live. It’s something no one could ever have predicted even ten years ago.
Now, I enjoy using my smartphone and I tend to upgrade regularly, selling my old one on eBay at a good price. Love it!! But … here’s the thing. It is so easy to make an idol out of good things. In fact, normally it’s those good things that become our idols, because they’re so good.
I heard someone say recently, “Life has to be about more than the latest iPhone release.” Good point.
Psalm 135:15-17 The gods of other nations are only gold and silver idols that people have made. They have mouths, but cannot speak. They have eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear. They have mouths, but no breath.
It’s so easy to allow that to happen. Be it a smartphone, or whatever other bauble or trinket happens to tickle your fancy. Don’t let the things of this world become your idols. Don’t start putting them ahead of God. Because when crunch time comes, as it surely will, they won’t save you.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.