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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Mentoring the Young Ones

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Proverbs 23:15,16 My son, it makes me happy when you make a wise decision. It makes me feel good inside when you say the right things.

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Mentorship is something of a lost art in this day and age. The idea of the older, wiser men and women helping to shape and mould the younger ones seems to have been lost amidst the frenzy of today.

And it is a frenzy, isn’t it? The world that I grew up in was so different to the one in which we live today. For most of my childhood, we didn’t own a car. There was no phone in our house. Women mostly worked in the home. We were poorer then, but somehow people seemed happier. Life seemed a lot simpler. 

Now I’m not suggesting that we can turn the clock back – or even that we should, for that matter. But back then the elders in our society – parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles – had a much greater influence on us young ones as we were growing up.

Today, teenagers and young adults are much more influenced by their chosen “influencers” on social media than they are by the wise elders in their immediate circle. And that’s not a good thing.

Listen to King Solomon, one of the wisest men who has ever lived, as he addresses his sons.

Proverbs 23:15,16 My son, it makes me happy when you make a wise decision. It makes me feel good inside when you say the right things

And yes, it is pleasing to see our young ones make wise decisions. So listen up. If you’re an elder, take the time, find a way to guide and mentor some of the young folk in your life. And if you’re a young person, seek out wise mentors, listen to them, learn from them, so that you end up making wise decisions. 

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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