... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Out to Lunch

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1 Peter 4:7,8 The time is near when all things will end. So keep your minds clear, and control yourselves. This will help you in your prayers. Most important of all, love each other deeply, because love makes you willing to forgive many sins.

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In this tech-driven age in which we live, our senses are constantly being bombarded with all kinds of stuff. As a result, it’s becoming harder and harder to keep our attention focussed on just one thing.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, which are pervasive, impairing, and otherwise age inappropriate. That’s the clinical definition.

Now, I’m not for one moment suggesting that we all have ADHD, but have you noticed how it’s becoming more and more difficult to keep your attention focussed?

My wife and I were out at a lovely restaurant recently for our birthday lunch (our birthdays are four days apart). We had a great time together. Two tables across was another couple – younger than us – and I swear that for the two hours or so we were there, the man spent at least an hour and a quarter on his phone while the woman stared into the air. What, pray tell, is that doing to their relationship?

And this ain’t an isolated incident. It repeats itself over and over again in the lives of so many people. Time for a reality check:

1 Peter 4:7,8 The time is near when all things will end. So keep your minds clear, and control yourselves. This will help you in your prayers. Most important of all, love each other deeply, because love makes you willing to forgive many sins.

Time is short. The end is closer than we all think. So do yourself a favour. Sharpen your focus. Give people your undivided attention. Invest in your important relationships. And love one another deeply.

Oh … and for Pete’s sake, put your phone away!

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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