Practical Guidance from Above
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Acts 1:24-26 They prayed, “Lord, you know the minds of all people. Show us which one of these two men you choose to do this work. Judas turned away from it and went where he belongs. Lord, show us which man should take his place as an apostle!” Then they used lots to choose one of the two men. The lots showed that Matthias was the one the Lord wanted. So he became an apostle with the other eleven.
Listen to the radio broadcast of Practical Guidance from Above
Download audio fileIt’s scary when you see some Christians going all super-spiritual, apparently seeing and hearing God under every rock and behind every tree. But what’s just as scary, are Christians who shut their eyes, and close their ears and miss out on what God’s saying and doing.
Have you ever needed guidance from God? You’re at a fork in the road … which way should you turn?
I definitely need God’s guidance on a regular basis. And it used to bother me somewhat, because I would often hear God speaking through things I didn’t expect.
Some years ago while watching the movie “Hook” – starring Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman – the Holy Spirit spoke to me in such a confronting way about who and what I’d become. And yet people would say, “God only speaks to you through the Bible.”
Of course God speaks to us through the Bible, but when you read the Bible, you discover that actually, He speaks to people in a whole bunch of different ways. Like the Disciples when they had to find a replacement for Judas.
Acts 1:24-26 They prayed, “Lord, you know the minds of all people. Show us which one of these two men you choose to do this work. Judas turned away from it and went where he belongs. Lord, show us which man should take his place as an apostle!” Then they used lots to choose one of the two men. The lots showed that Matthias was the one the Lord wanted. So he became an apostle with the other eleven.
Now, am I suggesting that we all start flipping a coin when we need God’s guidance? No, but then, God is a pretty creative, pretty edgy communicator. The God of the Bible that is.
Don’t quench the Spirit. When He speaks, our job is to listen.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Michael Huie
Very good, I often am not listening as I should