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Pressure’s Rising

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Philippians 4:5 Let everyone see that you are gentle and kind. The Lord is coming soon.

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People seem so touchy these days. It seems that the smallest thing sets them off. The pressure is definitely on the rise. Question is, what do you do about it?

It seems that everybody’s so busy these days. “How are things going?” “Oh, you know, busy, busy, flat chat.” We seem to wear our busyness almost as a badge of honour.

And the more connected we are, the busier we become, gradually the pressure rises. You feel more and more under the pump, until something has to give.

Way back in high school science, they taught us that the reason that the pressure increases when you heat up a gas in a confined space, is that as the temperature goes up, the molecules in the gas race around at much greater speeds. So they run into each other and the sides of the container much more frequently, and that’s what makes the pressure go up.

I wonder in the busy, busy lives that we lead today whether we’re not like that? Racing around at ever increasing speeds, running into one another, the pressure rises, bang! Tension. Bang! Conflict. Bang! Burnout.

Philippians 4:5 Let everyone see that you are gentle and kind. The Lord is coming soon.

In this world, “gentleness” isn’t a trait that we talk too much about. And yet, you and I, we love to be around gentle people. Somehow they don’t crash into us with the frequency or the ferocity that others do.

Gentleness means slowing down. It means taking time to care about the other person. It means feeling their pain, helping them with their need, encouraging them through their struggles.

Let everyone see that you are gentle and kind. The Lord is coming soon.

Slow Down.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Cyndi Obukoosia

Very inspiring.

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