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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Poor Me

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Deuteronomy 15:11 There will always be poor people in the land. That is why I command you to be ready to help your brother or sister. Give to the poor in your land who need help.

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The more affluent we become, the more difficult it gets to separate our wants from our needs and the more difficult it becomes to answer that annoying question … at what point is enough, enough?

I was watching a home renovation show the other weekend and the subject was bathrooms. Now sure … it’s nice to have a nice bathroom. But on this particular show they installed chandeliers, different kinds of Italian marble, gadgets you wouldn’t believe, multiple televisions, fancy wallpaper – not to mention the shower, the bath and the jacuzzi. Seriously?! And the cost was absolutely astronomical. All for a bathroom!

I couldn’t help but think about the 25,000 children who will die today for the lack of food, clean drinking water and basic medical care. It seems that the worse things get in the world, the more the wealthy try to cocoon themselves in opulence.

At what point is enough, enough? At what point do we look at the poor through the eyes of God? At what point do the wealthy make sacrifices – I mean real sacrifices – sacrifices that really cost us something, for those kids, for the poor and the needy?

Do you ever think that? Does it ever kind of hit you that perhaps … I don’t know … maybe, just maybe we’re missing the point?

Deuteronomy 15:11
There will always be poor people in the land. That is why I command you to be ready to help your brother or sister. Give to the poor in your land who need help.

The Bible makes it clear that there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of our labours. Fair enough. But seriously, at some point, enough has to be enough. At some point, the plight of the poor has to prick even the hardest of hearts.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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