SECRET: How to Live in Harmony
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Romans 15:5,6 All patience and encouragement come from God. And I pray that God will help you all agree with each other, as Christ Jesus wants. Then you will all be joined together. And all together you will give glory to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Download audio fileLet’s face it, relationships can be jarring. Conflict has this habit of robbing you of your peace and joy. If the truth be known, we crave harmony in our lives. But how do you make that happen?
One of the things that God wants us to do is to live in harmony with one another. Now you don’t have to be a gifted musician to figure out that harmony’s a beautiful thing. Just hearing a toddler bashing away at a piano, helps you realise just how awful disharmony can be.
That absence of conflict, that peace in our lives, it is a seriously beautiful thing. But living in harmony with one another ain’t always such an easy thing to do. Like playing the piano, it takes practice. Years of practice in fact!
But today, I want to tell you about a secret shortcut to harmony.
Romans 15:5,6 All patience and encouragement come from God. And I pray that God will help you all agree with each other, as Christ Jesus wants. Then you will all be joined together. And all together you will give glory to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is a rock-solid, steadfast God of harmony and encouragement. And it’s within His purview, to grant you and me harmony.
All patience and encouragement come from God
So why not ask him for it? God, give me patience. Help me to encourage others. Bring me harmony.
And the first thing He’s likely to start doing is educating you; giving you wisdom; teaching you how to be patient and encouraging so that you can bring harmony into a situation, into even your most difficult of relationships.
Harmony with one another. What is it that makes us think that we have to go it alone?
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.