Setting Boundaries Around Your Love
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John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. (NKJV)
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Download audio fileLove is an easy word to say – it’s just one syllable after all – and it’s an idea that we think we all have our minds around, but when it comes to living out love, to loving other people – well, that can be quite another thing.
Love is, without doubt, the single most powerful force in the universe. And yet all too often, people seek to put boundaries around their love. So what boundaries, if any, should we set in our love for others?
Well, here’s the conclusion I’ve come to. The more you love someone, the fewer boundaries you set.
So when it comes to my wife, the one person whom I love most in this world, she’s allowed to make mistakes and get things wrong … and even if it hurts, she’s forgiven as quickly as I can possibly forgive her, and I get on with loving her.
Do I execute that perfectly every time? I wish … but that’s my heart. Now when you think about it, as much as I love my wife, that love pales into insignificance compared to Jesus’ love for us. How do I know that? Because He laid down His life for you and me.
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. (NKJV)
So the people in your life whom God calls you to love, be they your soulmate, your children, your wider family, your work colleagues, whoever it is, be they kind to you or horrible to you, be they pleasing to you or, quite frankly, abhorrent to you (we all have people like that in our lives) … when it comes to those people, what boundaries do you set with them?
Why do I ask? Well, because the more you love someone, the fewer boundaries you set.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
John Kennedy
Wow so beautiful and inspirational….. nothing like God’s love and we should portray it to one another….. thank you May God bless you all.
Carolyn Colosimo
When I read your article. ” Setting boundaries around your Love” I was really touched and gripped to the heart with the statement you spoke about Jesus love for us. That He laid down His life for us!!!! That brought tears to my eyes!! Oh, that we can have love like Jesus had for each other,,,this would be a better world to live in. Thank you so much for your articles. I enjoy them all so much.
Faith Mwaniki
Amen!….to the Glory of God!
Irene Evans
Excellent advice.