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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Stay Away From That Stuff

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1 Timothy 6:11,12 But you belong to God. So you should stay away from all those things. Always try to do what is right, to be devoted to God, and to have faith, love, patience, and gentleness. We have to fight to keep our faith. Try as hard as you can to win that fight. Take hold of eternal life. It is the life you were chosen to have when you confessed your faith in Jesus—that wonderful truth that you spoke so openly and that so many people heard.

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It’s funny the things we crave in life – not just food, but other things that we think will satisfy us and give us the contentment we’ve been looking for. And it’s that appetite, that craving, that as we turn to the wrong things to satisfy it, all too often gets us into trouble.

Round about five, five-thirty in the afternoon, my stomach starts rumbling. I’m empty. I’m hungry. Where I come from we call it the “five o’clock munchies”. I’m sure you’ve had something similar.

And right then we have a decision to make – junk or healthy, a little or too much. We are what we eat. And little by little blood sugar levels, our blood pressure, the state of our coronary arteries and our overall sense of wellbeing tell us all about the decisions we’ve been making at that time of day.

I wonder if it isn’t the same deal emotionally, spiritually. We get that empty feeling. You know, that hole inside, that hunger for something more, something else. And we can feed it with shopping, or partying, or drinking … a junk life that gives us a buzz. But then what? Little by little our emotions, our feelings, our relationships, our sense of wellbeing … well, they’ll tell us all about the decisions we’ve been making.

1 Timothy 6:11,12 But you belong to God. So you should stay away from all those things. Always try to do what is right, to be devoted to God, and to have faith, love, patience, and gentleness. We have to fight to keep our faith. Try as hard as you can to win that fight. Take hold of eternal life. It is the life you were chosen to have when you confessed your faith in Jesus—that wonderful truth that you spoke so openly and that so many people heard.

Stay away from all that stuff. Be devoted to God instead.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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