Stick to What You’re Good At
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1 Peter 4:10,11 God has shown you his grace in many different ways. So be good servants and use whatever gift he has given you in a way that will best serve each other. If your gift is speaking, your words should be like words from God. If your gift is serving, you should serve with the strength that God gives. Then it is God who will be praised in everything through Jesus Christ. Power and glory belong to him forever and ever. Amen.
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Download audio fileHave you ever found yourself in a job or in some role, where you have to do things that you don’t really enjoy; things that you’re not all that good at? It’s not a lot of fun is it. Well, there’s a reason for that.
I recently needed to install some lights at home, so of course, I called an electrician. The guy that arrived to do what was something of a tricky job, looked like he was straight out of high school. He couldn’t have been more than nineteen, perhaps twenty years old at most.
With some trepidation, I gave him the instructions and the lights, and three hours later, he’d done a stunning job.
You know what they say. You should never judge a book by its cover, right?! This young man was so good at his job. He expertly filled the holes of the old lights and hung the new ones, so they were all perfectly level.
I could never have done that!! Not in a million years. I’m just not good with my hands, you see. Never have been. But then again, he could probably never do what I do either.
Which just goes to show, we need to figure out what we’re good at, and stick to it. That was always the plan!
1 Peter 4:10,11 God has shown you his grace in many different ways. So be good servants and use whatever gift he has given you in a way that will best serve each other. If your gift is speaking, your words should be like words from God. If your gift is serving, you should serve with the strength that God gives. Then it is God who will be praised in everything through Jesus Christ. Power and glory belong to him forever and ever. Amen.
Stick to what you’re good at.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Chris Obrien
Thank you for your timely reminders that God is there for us and knows each one of us . Thank you for writing of his goodness and care.
Susan Williams
The words are an answer to prayers. I have been struggling with this area (God’s gifts) and knowing how to encourage my local worship team to function in using their gifts and not setting expectations on others to operate in a gift that they are not suited for.
Renae Navarrette
I love this message. The audio makes it so much more understandable. Cant wait to hear more.
Ravi babu
Dear brother,
Word of the Lord is directly speaking to me. I am at a job working for years with great pressure . This word of God is speaking to me. In my workspot also i have few things to do at my best. I will.