Teamwork is Good Work
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Ephesians 4:1-3 So, as a prisoner for the Lord, I beg you to live the way God’s people should live, because he chose you to be his. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient and accept each other with love. You are joined together with peace through the Spirit. Do all you can to continue as you are, letting peace hold you together.
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Download audio fileIt’s easy to get all hot and bothered by the inadequacies and limitations of the people around us. Why can’t they just get with the plan and be who I need them to be? In fact, some people, all they do is complain about the people around them.
Have you looked at your feet lately? They’re not your prettiest body part, now are they? And yet, have you thought how difficult it would be for you to get around without them?
Almost all of us are a part of a team one way or another: in our marriages, in our families, in our workplace or sporting team. However we participate in society, we’re made to be part of a team. That’s the plan.
I have the enormous privilege to be a part of a team of over eighty creative, passionate people that make up the ministry of Christianityworks. Each one of us is so different and yet so necessary to achieving all that we do. But with the different talents come different limitations and weaknesses as well. It’s just the way things are.
And over the years I’ve been learning something important. The different strengths of the people around us are God’s blessing to us. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. But the different weaknesses of the people around us … well, they’re God’s blessing to us too. Without them, we wouldn’t learn how to love sacrificially.
Ephesians 4:1-3 So, as a prisoner for the Lord, I beg you to live the way God’s people should live, because he chose you to be his. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient and accept each other with love. You are joined together with peace through the Spirit. Do all you can to continue as you are, letting peace hold you together.
Peace always has a price. That was always the plan.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
James Pepperdene
Brilliant absolutely perfect!!!+++++++++++++++÷
Brittany Gore
I love the encouragement I feel from every excerpt you guys send my way. It seems like your always meeting me where I need to be.