The Best for His Kids
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1 John 5:1 The people who believe that Jesus is the Messiah are God’s children. Anyone who loves the Father also loves the Father’s children.
Listen to the radio broadcast of The Best for His Kids
Download audio fileWe all have a tendency to allow compromises into our lives. And you know, when we do that, it’s like giving the devil a foothold to start plundering our lives. And that … that’s something that God doesn’t want for you. Seriously, He has something else in mind.
There’s something about watching children play. Maybe you’re a mother or a father and you know when you watch your kids, it kind of focuses the mind on the dreams we have for them – the important stuff. I mean, pretty much every parent wants the very best for their children.
But it’s interesting how we tend to wander through life thinking things and doing things that are alright, but not brilliant. Not the best. We watch something on TV and we think, “Yeah, that was okay.”
But then if someone asked us, “Would you like that for your kids? Would you like them to see that or think that way?” We’d quickly answer, “Oh no.” because we naturally want the very best for our children.
And if we’re like that, imagine what God’s like. What if He looks at some of the rubbish that goes on in our lives and aches for us? What if He, like any other dad, wants the very best for you?
1 John 5:1 The people who believe that Jesus is the Messiah are God’s children. Anyone who loves the Father also loves the Father’s children.
It turns out that He does want the very best. So maybe today is the day to do a bit of a stocktake in your life, to get rid of some of that rubbish in your life – some of the stuff that you know in your heart of hearts isn’t His very best for you.
Because if you believe in Jesus, then you’re one of God’s children. And He only wants the very best for you.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Lorna Redding
I am not good with words ; expressing how I feel , but I am going to try …..
…I love hearing the Word ! I feel blessed; becoming closer as I am always learning something new !
I want to express how “ Thankful “ I am knowing this broadcast is always there !!
I hope I can “ SHOW “ my appreciation, financially, one day .
This is my prayer. May our Heavenly Father bless all of you who work so hard to get this out there ; reaching and blessing many lives .
I want to believe that this deadly virus opens hearts .
People coming back to God . 🙏❤️
Shirley Dunstan
I find these short sermans incredibly encouraging, thanks very much.