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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Church and Adolf Hitler

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Romans 2:4 Or do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience? Do you not realise that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? (NRSV)

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Have you ever wondered how the church in Germany could have stood idly by, without so much as a whimper, while Hitler and the Nazis slaughtered million Jews?

Having walked through the remains of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps, the magnitude of the slaughter of God’s chosen people has forever altered my soul. You can’t be the same after that.

So how could the church – the Jesus-people of Germany – have aided and abetted this unimaginable atrocity through their silent complicity? Why didn’t they cry out as one – nein!? It’s easy for us to judge them from the safety of the here and now. After all, dissidents were executed, plain and simple.

When asked that same question back in the day, the anti-Nazi pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer (who was indeed executed by them) replied that it was because of the “cheap grace” that had taken hold of the church. This is what he said:

Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, absolution without personal confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ.

The church had lost its way by becoming inwardly focussed by asking “what’s in it for me?” And by focussing on their salvation and their safety at the expense of the Jews. History is bound to repeat itself. In fact, it is repeating itself. Look around, church. We all want to be healthy, wealthy and wise.

Listen up. God’s grace toward you and me cost Jesus everything. What’s your response to that?

Romans 2:4 Or do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience? Do you not realise that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? (NRSV)

Be a dissident. Repent, no matter what the cost.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

Also available to listen on:


Georgetta Kreis

I am very thankful for “today” as that is the time I live in! I read the BIBLE and I give thanks that I do not have to make the choices that the people of that age had to make. It is easy now as compared to that age.


I believe in the cross and I believe in the saints and I believe in Jesus Christ whom walked on earth in a human body.
We all have our own journey of how we come to know Jesus Christ and no path is less or more favourable by God for He does not have favourites.
Be Baptized
Be Faithful
Read God’s word every day and be obedient to His word.
I am of the belief that God is omnipresent and that He exists everywhere and I truly believe in that.
Church can be a wonderful experience and also it can be a place of judgement and ridicule too.
It’s not always a community of where one can openly express their own faith and reach out to better understand more fully how God , Jesus and The Holy Spirit all work.
Some people say God and others say Jesus and so what and who are God and Jesus and we know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and that God is Jesus Father and Mary and Joseph were Jesus parents .
It’s complicated .
Oh well for me personally I used to gaze up at Mother Mary on my classroom walls and I felt like she was my Mother too and I would stare at her for a very long time feeling loved by her as a child .
My own mother was absent for some years and I was deeply saddened and a very quiet young girl and barely spoke much .
Mother Mary impacted me quite personally .
I followed the path of angels and I always have believed in God but I did not know that Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary were omen and out of context .

Spirituality is meant to be a personal truth a sacred place inside .
I asked for Rosary beads as a child and because of my Aboriginal ancestry, I instinctively felt drawn to that part of me too and wanted a black doll.
I named my doll Jessica and she was black and beautiful and I had my rosary beads too.
I was very spiritual as a child and as I grew up my spirituality like I said was on star signs and angels .

I have felt that my whole life has been subjected to criticism and ostracism and DISRESPECT lots of disrespect going on but also condemnation and persecution for I have had my inner world tormented with a Mentally Ill psychosis ideation and it’s been ever so cruel .
I have had my own family against me and twisting and tugging at my life in desperation to keep my spirituality seeming to be a mental illness because I was attacked in my area of sacredness by a member of my own family , I never knew that he was preying on my body and had evil intent planned .
It’s been an ongoing distress for me the victim of the attack and all those people who are so determined to keep his name clear from being sentenced for attacking me.
Everybody has used the mental health system to force me under a Act and pretend that I have psychosis and they do this using all kinds of bluffing through one another .
Now my children have been subjected to a lot of anxiety because of that villain and his disgusting crime of assaulting me sexually and all his family members have been very clever now haven’t they in their planning a revenge against me because I chose to have him charged and I didn’t take matters into my own hands but instead sought refuge and protection and justice through the police and the government.
I did not know that I had no safety there!
Now look 27 years later since my life was put into a psychiatric prison by one man and then raped by another man and not believed in and not respected and not given any of the correct support .’
I submitted to the government and family and all the public gallery and LAID DOWN MY LIFE!!

God showed up 20 years later in 2014 bringing back to me my spiritual gift along with the traumatic experience of the rape of me by that uncle and I began to connect the dots .

Now in 2017 that’s 3 years after my awakening to God’s touching down on me and the open rawness of that criminal assault and indeed insult too of being raped by a family member .

His family blends have used government systems and bodies to perform a operation on me and bluffing me oh they had me held in captivity in that psychiatric hospital under an order back in 2017.
I was not mentally ill at all and I was sober minded and even the young female nurse commented and her name was Kelsey or Kelcie.
I was subjected to a cruel conspiracy attack and it’ was just that and they know that and so whenever we use the word conspiracy WE ARE ASSUMED AS BEING PARANOID!
I was not paranoid and I am not paranoid today either but this is the cruel nasty horrible nature of that uncle and his ex wife and kids and family and others have used to keep me subjected. to their mentally ill acts !
They conspire and they use mind games and that’s what they do .
My perception and lived out reality of Mental Health is different to most because I have been denied my spiritual gift and instead treated as a psychotic person because of the rape trial and case.

It’s been very very serious and well I don’t know what Church to attend due to the criminal assault done to my mental health back in 2017.
It’s a reminder to me that still 27 years later nobody wants to help a person with their Spiritual Health .
Yet Spiritual Health is regarded as being a human right under the Disability Act.

I love God and I Love Jesus and I love The Holy Spirit and I know that God is 3 in 1.
I have followed God’s commands and God is the Head of the Church and not the tail .
I may not be involved in a Church right now due to all the defamation of my character but my name is in the book of life .
I will not allow people to control my life using a mentally ill plan to evade responsibilities for what they have truly and really done to my children and I.

I am a lover and not a hater .
This horrible situation has to be addressed and by who on earth truly when everyone has been against me and making sure my life was a wipe out with their former cocktails of anti psychotic medications subjecting my brain to all kinds of awful and sinister manipulation and numbing .

I awoke in 2014 and they ambushed me again in 2017 just so they’ve got it on paper a diagnosis that is a lie a cruel and malicious pack of lies written about me so that they can USE IT FOR THEIR NEXT PLAN.
I am writing this here as a cry out for help because I know that that mob are out to attack once again and God is stepping in .
I laid down my life many years ago and God resuscitated me in 2014 and He has resurrected my life .
My beautiful spiritual gift that is prophetic and deeply sincere and lovely oh my gift will serve and shine shine shine through me Jesus oh I am loved and I am supported and with child like faith I am alive.

I am not trying to relive my childhood lol oh or fetch those long lost and stolen dreams lol I don’t care if I am small breasted woohoopi do and I couldn’t care less that I didn’t become a model of boo hoo .
My spirituality is what’s kept me alive and is what meant more to me than my bodily shape or size .
I am not a jealous person either and I get it that people think that I am jealous because only because I dobbed them all in and now of course they use all kinds of jealousy and other cryptic words and ways to try and worm their way out of all the trouble they’ve created and meanwhile my children and I have had no way to get through they’re horrible corruption but it’s obvious that I am telling the truth for God has made a way for me and that’s why I am still here and today I write another SOS and say CHURCH IS NOT CONTAINED INSIDE 4 WALLS ONLY.
Sometimes we work away from church and then God adds us to a church when we’ve finished His assignment given and that’s why I am a that I am.


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