The Crazy Mother
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Luke 22:27 Who is more important: the one serving or the one sitting at the table being served? Everyone thinks it’s the one being served, right? But I have been with you as the one who serves.
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Download audio fileThe idea of a servant seems a bit out of touch, out of date these days doesn’t it? I mean servants are something that rich people had back in the olden days. And yet servanthood, these days, is totally one of the most underrated qualities that there is.
I was out walking the other day when I saw something that left me completely gob-smacked.
It was a young mother, pushing her baby in the pram. She was on her mobile phone and when she came to cross the road, she was so engrossed in her conversation, that she pushed the pram (with the baby in it) out onto the road, into the path of an oncoming car, without even looking.
I couldn’t believe it, but then … it’s a sign of our times isn’t it?
Our world revolves around the smartphone in our hands. In fact, when you think about it, in that smartphone, you have the world in the palm of your hand.
It seems smartphones and selfishness have kind of been feeding off one another to make us more and more inward focussed than ever before. More self-centred. More selfish. Smartphones have changed our lives for good to be sure, but they’ve also fed the monster within and it ain’t pretty.
It’s time for a reality check.
Luke 22:27 Who is more important: the one serving or the one sitting at the table being served? Everyone thinks it’s the one being served, right? But I have been with you as the one who serves.
I wonder how different this world would be, if you and I were more concerned about the needs of others, instead of making ourselves happy. You have to wonder, don’t you?
Reality check. How much of your time do you spend on yourself, and how much of it do you spend serving others?
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.