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The Empty Tomb (Easter Sunday)

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John 3:16 Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.

Listen to the radio broadcast of The Empty Tomb (Easter Sunday)

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Question: Did Jesus actually rise again from the dead, or is that merely a myth? And even if He did, so what? What difference is that really going to make to you and me, here in the 21st century?

I heard a news report the other day of a man who went to a euthanasia clinic in Switzerland and had his suicide filmed for a documentary.

He was terminally ill and suffering and, I guess if you believe that there’s nothing beyond the grave, euthanasia makes complete sense.

But the message of Easter is that when Jesus died, He also rose again. The tomb was empty. And that message is about the fact that if we put our faith in Him, we too will rise again, we too will have the free gift of eternal life.

So, let me ask you something? What’s beyond the grave? What do you believe? Is faith just an insurance policy, a “just in case” kind of thing for you? Or is it something more?

Let’s take another look at that empty tomb, at the Jesus who rose again to give you and me a future that doesn’t end in a coffin. That’s what Easter is all about; an eternal future in the Presence of God, for ever and ever and ever, amen.

John 3:16 Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.

All we have to do – all you have to do – is to believe in this Jesus who loved us so much that He died and rose again for you. Jesus.

Yes, God loved you so much that he gave his only Son, so if you believe in him you won’t be lost but instead, you’ll have eternal life.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

Also available to listen on:


Ethan Crawshaw

Hi Jessica we got this image from iStock. It is available here if you wish to download it: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/tomb-empty-with-shroud-and-crucifixion-at-sunrise-resurrection-of-jesus-christ-gm1209082574-349739208


Jessica Yake

Hello! Is it possible to use your image associated with “The Empty Tomb” audio in our church service power point? Thanks.

Henry Davies

I hate that word suicide , causes so much sadness , for those left to carry on !
I pray in these situations that it is an illness or sickness before God . And that they can be forgiven for taking Their own lives .
God’s will be done !
Amen 🙏.
Henry Davies

Michael Clay

Thank you for the encouragement. Be blessed this resurrection day. Shalom

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