The Fruit of Discipline
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Hebrews 12:9-11 We have all had fathers here on earth who corrected us with discipline. And we respected them. So it is even more important that we accept discipline from the Father of our spirits. If we do this, we will have life. Our fathers on earth disciplined us for a short time in the way they thought was best. But God disciplines us to help us so that we can be holy like him. We don't enjoy discipline when we get it. It is painful. But later, after we have learned our lesson from it, we will enjoy the peace that comes from doing what is right.
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Download audio fileI don’t think there’s a single person alive on this planet today, who enjoys being disciplined. Well, do you? Hmm, I didn’t think so.
I remember as a child I was a lively sort of a lad – into everything and full of beans, it’s just the way I’m wired. So, it’s not surprising that growing up I received more of my share of discipline from my father and at school.
I can honestly say that there is not a single time in my life that I’ve enjoyed being disciplined. But looking back on it, without that discipline, I think I would have grown up to be a horrid person. Completely unbearable.
And it’s for that very reason that God chooses to discipline us from time to time.
Hebrews 12:9-11 We have all had fathers here on earth who corrected us with discipline. And we respected them. So it is even more important that we accept discipline from the Father of our spirits. If we do this, we will have life. Our fathers on earth disciplined us for a short time in the way they thought was best. But God disciplines us to help us so that we can be holy like him. We don’t enjoy discipline when we get it. It is painful. But later, after we have learned our lesson from it, we will enjoy the peace that comes from doing what is right.
What’s the point of God’s discipline? When we learn His ways. We will end up enjoying the peace that comes from doing what’s right. Literally, the original Greek language goes something like this …
discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Franchessca Mumba
I have really learnt and identified with this lesson. Discipline really makes us but its accepting the discipline that we struggle with. thank you.
Sue Johnston
Berni, I love your teaching especially as you refer so much to the Word – I support your ministry & love that you are reaching those who have never heard of you