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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Good Oil

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Hebrews 13:5 The apostles left and went to other places. They talked to the people and told them to change their hearts and lives. They forced many demons out of people and put olive oil on many who were sick and healed them.

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I don’t know whether you’ve ever thought of this, but God is in the healing business. Now, He doesn’t always heal everyone physically – some, not others. I truly have no idea why. But somehow, His Spirit always manages to bring just the right healing on the inside.

I’ve never liked roller coaster rides. These days they’re really hi-tech, but the effect is still the same; up and down, round and round, through a stomach churning, fear engendering so-called “ride” that people actually pay good money for. No thank you! You’ll never find me on a roller coaster.

You may have noticed recently that world oil prices have been on something of a roller coaster ride … up and down, affecting the whole global economy. It’s kind of crazy how the value of a commodity like oil can do that.

A couple of thousand years ago, oil was a valuable commodity just as it is today – although back then, they were talking about olive oil. Sure, it tasted good … still does. But in addition to that, people were also “anointed with oil” as a powerful symbol of God’s healing Spirit.

Mark 6:12,13 The apostles left and went to other places. They talked to the people and told them to change their hearts and lives. They forced many demons out of people and put olive oil on many who were sick and healed them.

Okay, these days oil is a valuable commodity. But that kind of oil is on a roller coaster ride and in any case, one day, it’s going to run out.

But God’s oil, God’s healing Spirit, God’s healing love, is never on a roller coaster. It never goes up or down. It never changes. And it will never, ever run out. Ever. That’s the good oil.

So when you need it – spiritually, emotionally, physically – ask the Holy Spirit to heal you.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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