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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Guillotine

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Mark 9:36-37 Then Jesus took a small child and stood the child in front of the followers. He held the child in his arms and said, "Whoever accepts children like these in my name is accepting me. And anyone who accepts me is also accepting the one who sent me."

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When was the last time you baulked at serving someone else? Come on, we all do it. When was the last time you avoided serving … and why?

The other day, the paper guillotine at our office gave up the ghost, so I headed out to buy another one. Now there are several stationery suppliers nearby. I went to each one in turn, but most of the staff I spoke to, didn’t know what they had in stock or where to find it and what’s more, they didn’t seem to care.

But then, there was this one women, probably in her fifties, in one of the stores. She came right up to me, I told her what I needed, and she took me to the right place, showed me the options and explained them to me. Can I tell you, she stood out head and shoulders above the rest.

Sometimes, we get to thinking that serving others is beneath us, that somehow the act of serving them diminishes us. And yet, the people we admire and respect the most – the greatest people in our lives – are the ones who’ve served us the most. Correct?

Mark 9:36-37 Then Jesus took a small child and stood the child in front of the followers. He held the child in his arms and said, “Whoever accepts children like these in my name is accepting me. And anyone who accepts me is also accepting the one who sent me.”

Jesus’ disciples were running around, starting to feel ever so self-important, pushing the little children away. And yet, the point Jesus is making, is that the greatest people in this world are the ones who serve the least.

It’s not rocket science, is it? Never be too important to serve someone who needs your help.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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