The Howling Storm
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Luke 8:23-25 While they were sailing, Jesus slept. A big storm blew across the lake, and the boat began to fill with water. They were in danger. The followers went to Jesus and woke him. They said, “Master! Master! We will drown!” Jesus got up. He gave a command to the wind and the waves. The wind stopped, and the lake became calm. He said to his followers, “Where is your faith?”
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Download audio fileIf we’re honest with ourselves, the plan that you and I have for our lives is plain sailing on a calm ocean all the way. The problem is, as much as it wasn’t part of our plan, every now and then a storm hits.
I was up very early the other morning as I often am, working at the desk in my study, and outside there was a storm blowing. It wasn’t just any storm. It was one of those howling storms with driving rain. And as I sat there, pecking away at the keyboard, I was just so thankful that I was in my nice warm study, and not out there in the storm. Or worse still, in a small boat out on the ocean.
But the facts of life are that sometimes, we’re going to be caught out in that tiny boat in a howling storm. It’s just the way it goes. And when we do find ourselves in that place, the question is: Who or what are we going to put our trust in? Our faith in?
There are many contenders. Wealth. Other people. Success. Our own abilities. The list goes on. But really, for me, there’s only one answer. There’s only one way.
Luke 8:23-25 While they were sailing, Jesus slept. A big storm blew across the lake, and the boat began to fill with water. They were in danger. The followers went to Jesus and woke him. They said, “Master! Master! We will drown!” Jesus got up. He gave a command to the wind and the waves. The wind stopped, and the lake became calm. He said to his followers, “Where is your faith?”
That’s a good question. When you’re out there in that tiny boat on that frightening ocean, who or what are you going to put your trust in?
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Dorothy Smith
How true these words are!!!!!!! God is so powerful.
Mark Teall
Thank you, that is just what I needed to hear. Just went through major surgery back in April. Now recuperating the storms and bills are there. I am glad I can put my faith in Christ.