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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Smartest Person I Know

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Proverbs 10:17 Those who accept correction show others how to live. Those who reject correction lead others the wrong way.

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Why is it that some people are really smart and others aren’t? I’m not talking about intelligence, I’m talking about being wise and discerning. Why is that?

I want to tell you about the smartest man I’ve ever known. If you met him, you’d take one look and think to yourself, what a geek. But this guy is absolutely brilliant in his chosen field.

Question is: do you want to know his secret? I mean, really. Well, here it is: he doesn’t have any pride about his own ideas.

Sure, he has strong views on things. His positions are inevitably well-reasoned – well founded in fact, and logical deduction. But – and this is the thing that makes him so smart – the moment he comes across an idea that seems to be better than his own, he tests it, he thinks it through, and if it really is a better idea, he ditches his old idea in a flash, picks up the new one and makes it his own. He has an incredibly teachable spirit. And that’s what makes him the smartest guy I know. He doesn’t get all-defensive when someone pulls him up. He doesn’t let pride get in the way of learning.

Proverbs 10:17 Those who accept correction show others how to live. Those who reject correction lead others the wrong way.

Pride isn’t just ugly, it stops you from learning. It stunts your growth. Pride is the reason why there are a whole bunch of people out there, who never really grow up, who never mature in their relationship with Christ. They hear, but they don’t learn.

It takes humility to accept correction, it’s not always easy, but ultimately it’s that humility that will make you the smartest person that other people know.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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