The Unique Freak
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2 Timothy 4:14 Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you through prophecy with the laying on of hands by the council of elders.
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Download audio fileI used to think that I was normal. I used to think that everybody was like me; that everyone’s motivated to do the things that I do; that everyone should have the same talents that I do. And if they didn’t, there must be something wrong with them.
I mean, isn’t our default position that if someone doesn’t agree with us, if someone doesn’t see things the way we do, then they’re quite obviously just plain wrong, right?!
Of course that’s stupid … but it’s amazing how easily we slip back into that definition of “normal”. It’s our default position. And so we take our particular gift or ability for granted, because surely everybody else must be the same.
I remember a lovely woman, an elder at our church. She was, and still is, pastorally gifted. We were on the church council together and she decided that each of the members of the church council should take responsibility for pastoring twelve people in our church. That way, everybody would be covered with pastoral care.
I refused. Sounds terrible doesn’t it? She was horrified. So then, I asked her whether she’d like to take over my preaching for the next four weeks – at which point fear gripped her heart.
The point is, that we’re all made to do different things.
Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you through prophecy with the laying on of hands by the council of elders. (2 Timothy 4:14)
Over the years, I’ve written quite a number of books now. A short book, say about 30,000 words, takes me a day and a half to write. A longer 60,000 word book – is about four days. Now it’s concentrated effort, but I love writing and so to me, it’s no big deal.
So I was shocked when a friend said to me: Berni, you realise you’re a freak, right?
You know, my hunch is that when it comes to that one particular God-given gift that we have – we’re all freaks. When I look at the abilities that other people have it just amazes me. I look at their creativity – the things that they can do that I couldn’t begin to dream about doing, and even if I could, I’d hate every minute of it – and it totally amazes me!
Maybe church, is actually a bit of a freak show. Don’t get me wrong. I mean that in a good way. A bunch of people who are so incredibly different, so incredibly diverse in their motivations and their callings, and yet … so complementary.
It’s fantastic to be surrounded by people who love to do the things that we’re not good at.
The point though is, not to neglect your gift, the gift that’s been given to you, otherwise the whole thing breaks down.
So, please … go and be the unique freak that you were made to be.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.