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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Victory is Ours

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1 John 5:3-4 Loving God means obeying his commands. And God's commands are not too hard for us, because everyone who is a child of God has the power to win against the world. It is our faith that has won the victory against the world. So who wins against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

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There are times in everybody’s walk through life, when it feels as though through that one same temptation, the devil is winning. What happened to this victory that Jesus promised me? Hmm?It’s not always easy, in the heat of the battle, to really know, deep in our hearts, that victory is already ours. But it is!

Jesus defeated Satan in two ways. Firstly, by dying for us. Because of that death, the price of justice that God demands for all my rebellion against Him, and yours, that price is paid –once and for all.

So, the devil can’t condemn us anymore. He will still try of course, but we can turn around, look him in the eye and tell him – I am a child of the living God, purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. No more condemnation and no more guilt. Anyone who believes in Jesus is free from that.

And secondly, Jesus defeated him by rising again from the dead, to give us a new life – a victorious life here and now. You and I, if our faith is in Jesus, have victory here and now, over the devil. We have the power of God to live our lives for God. That’s what Jesus came to give us:

1 John 5:3-4 Loving God means obeying his commands. And God’s commands are not too hard for us, because everyone who is a child of God has the power to win against the world. It is our faith that has won the victory against the world. So who wins against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

So, the next time the devil comes knocking at your door, remember, your faith in Jesus has already given you victory.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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