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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

What a Blast

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1 Kings 22:17 So Micaiah answered, "I can see the army of Israel scattered all over the hills, like sheep with no one to lead them. This is what the LORD says, 'These men have no leaders. Let them go home in peace.'"

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Life has its ups and downs. It just does. And sometimes, it feels as though everything is in turmoil. As though peace in our lives, simply isn’t possible.

Every time I hear about the latest terrorist bomb that’s gone off somewhere – the suicide bomber, the body count, the packed emergency wards – my heart aches at the misery and the senseless loss of life. It’s a pain that we all feel.

If only there could be peace. I mean, imagine, peace! And not just on the international scene. It’s not just the macro, the geopolitical forces that seem so much out of control. But for so many people, their lives, well, the last word that you’d use to describe them, is “peaceful”. If only things could be different!

1 Kings 22:17 So Micaiah answered, “I can see the army of Israel scattered all over the hills, like sheep with no one to lead them. This is what the LORD says, ‘These men have no leaders. Let them go home in peace.'”

If only we each could go home, at the end of the day, and find peace – peace at home; peace in our hearts.

The reality is that we each face battles in our lives, conflicts, tensions. Things that we wish weren’t there. Things that want to rob us of our peace. Things that can have us tossing and turning all night, filled with worry and angst. If only we could have … peace.

At a time of great fear and distress for His disciples, Jesus said this to them:

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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