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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Whatever it is that Ails You

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1 John 4:18 Where God’s love is, there is no fear, because God’s perfect love takes away fear. It is his punishment that makes a person fear. So his love is not made perfect in the one who has fear.

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If only life were perfect. If only we didn’t have to deal with those things that we have going on that we’d rather not having going on. If only … right?

If you think about the great joys and the great tragedies in your life, my hunch is that the people who loved you, the people who should have loved you, the people whom you loved or failed to love, have stood at the centre of both the highs and the lows.

Now, even though we may have people on this earth who love us, I certainly do, the human love we receive is never perfect. It always falls short at some point, because the people who love us are human.

I don’t mean this to sound corny, but the only place I’ve ever discovered perfect love is in Jesus. It’s a love that never fails. It’s a love that heals the pain.

1 John 4:18 Where God’s love is, there is no fear, because God’s perfect love takes away fear. It is his punishment that makes a person fear. So his love is not made perfect in the one who has fear.

Might I ask you, in your life, right now, what’s going on? What are your challenges? What are your concerns? What are the things that aren’t quite right that are causing you grief? What have you been struggling with and somehow, not been quite able to fix?

Whatever those things are, the perfect love of God is the answer. Whatever you have going on, grab that opportunity with both hands, and draw closer to Jesus, experience His love for yourself.

Because that perfect love is the answer to whatever it is that ails you. It is!

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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